About NYCPACE.info

A service of Counterpointe Sustainable Real Estate and Capalino and Co

About Us

NycPACE.info is a service of Counterpointe Sustainable Real Estate, a respected leader in PACE financing and its partner, Capalino & Co, the leading Urban Strategy firm that combines knowledge in real estate, lobbying, strategic planning, market research and financing.
Please see NYCEEC website for information from the governmental authority or its designee that administers the NYC PACE program.


Do you have information to share on NYC PACE?

There is an amazing number of firms that will contribute to the advancement of sustainability measures throughout our city based on individual environmental, social, and investment goals as well as those driven by the rules set forth in the  Climate Mobilization Act.

Contact us to explore how we might share new and information with the NYCPACE.info audience. 

Potential content partners include energy advisors, engineers, economic development associations, sustainability advocates, manufacturers and other stakeholders in the built environment.